Matthew Hanis Matthew Hanis

Measuring Employee Happiness

Rob LaHayne, CEO of TouchCare, an employee/patient advocacy service and Matthew Monahan, VP Benefits of Namely, an HR automation and insurance brokerage firm, are in the business of helping employers maximize employee happiness.

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Matthew Hanis Matthew Hanis

Medical Injury and the Journey to Value

Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States: the equivalent of a fully loaded 737 airplane crashing every 7 hours. Chuck Stokes was a key voice in ACHE prioritizing patient safety for this reason.

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Matthew Hanis Matthew Hanis

ACHE: Influential catalyst in US healthcare

David A. Olson, FACHE was named Chairman of the American College of Healthcare Executives during its recent Congress in Chicago. The organization acts as an affinity group and credentialing body for its more than 40,000 members.

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Compliance & Risk Matthew Hanis Compliance & Risk Matthew Hanis

Nimble Cyber Risk Management

Becky Havlisch (Banner Health) and Bob Chaput (Clearwater) lead their respective organization’s search for better cyber risk management. Havlisch has an unusual title: vice president of business health. That title reflects her organization’s innovative approach to cyber risk.

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Compliance & Risk Matthew Hanis Compliance & Risk Matthew Hanis

Innovating to reduce cyber risk

Cyber risk is a Board-level concern because catastrophic losses can quickly exceed $50 million or even $100 million. Guests Charles Kolodkin, Executive Director - Enterprise Risk, Cleveland Clinic Health System and Bob Chaput, Founder & CEO, Clearwater explore innovation opportunities to curtail cyber risk.

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HealthTech Matthew Hanis HealthTech Matthew Hanis

Purpose-Driven Healthcare Innovation

Most digital health products lack evidence and are risky for providers and payers. “Purpose-Driven Innovation,” aligning problem, purpose, and business model have made proven interventions more scalable using digital engagement.

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Healthcare Consumers Matthew Hanis Healthcare Consumers Matthew Hanis

Helping Complex Patients Age in Place

Can we safely delivery care at home for medically complex, elderly patients rather than in a hospital or other acute care institution? Paul Kusserow, president and CEO of one of the largest home health providers in the counter and former Medicare Advantage health plan executive, explains how, why and when.

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Population Health Matthew Hanis Population Health Matthew Hanis

State-Driven Healthcare Reform

Brooks Daverman led statewide efforts to change how healthcare is paid for in Tennessee. He did this primarily by helping align financial incentives across TennCare which pays Tennessee Medicaid benefits, as well as the state employee health plan and commercial payers.

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HealthTech Matthew Hanis HealthTech Matthew Hanis

Interoperability as an Innovation Barrier?

Interoperability barriers between electronic health records slow the diffusion of treatment, health tech and clinical practice innovations across large populations. Middleware solutions and provider interoperability consensus are the two innovation pathways.

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